Mind Medicine Mysteries. Fear Tactics: Teleseminar with Annie Melanson and Susun Weed
Join Annie Melanson with Susun Weed for this live teleseminar.
Thursday June 10, 2021 @ 9:00 PM EASTERN
Event is 90 minutes in duration; a 60 minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of Q & A.
If you can't join us live, you can still register as this event will be available for replay afterwards. Listen at any time!
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Mind Medicine Mysteries. Fear Tactics: Teleseminar with Annie Melanson
Join Annie Melanson with Susun Weed for this live event.
June 10, 2021 @ 9:00 PM EASTERN**********************************After purchasing, please download the PDF with details for connecting at your bookshop account or your order confirmation. Thank you!
Mind Medicine Mysteries. Fear Tactics: Teleseminar with Annie Melanson and Susun Weed
Join Annie Melanson & Susun Weed for a discussion and question/answer period on the subject of adolescent mental health.
Their discussion will take a look at how clairvoyance/empathy is linked to anxiety and how the disorders that develop from anxiety can be coping tools used in the same way drugs and alcohol are used to "numb out" the anxiety. Included in this tele-seminar will be a discussion on the alternative health therapies that have been known to be effective.
Nearly one-third (31.9%) of adolescents (ages 13-18) had an anxiety disorder between 2001 and 2004. Of these adolescents, the 17- to 18-year-old age group was most affected. (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005). The prevalence of all mental disorders increased by 50% worldwide from 416 million to 615 million between 1990 and 2013. (World Health Organization, 2016).Specific phobias are the most commonly occurring anxiety disorder, affecting more than 19 million adults in the U.S. (ADAA, 2020).
These stats do not reflect the mental health issues our adolescents are experiencing today due to restrictions from the pandemic, we may never know this information from a statistics point.
What we can attempt to do through our Workshop together is bring hope and strength into the conversation of mental health through community.---------------
Annie is a sensitive, intuitive soul who has given hundreds of readings, expanding on her ability to access and understand messages from the Archangels and Soul Guides, as well as messages from the souls of your departed loved ones. Her interest in adolescent anxiety comes from her experience in researching and developing individual plans for her children needing support with their own mental health journeys.
Read more on her Bio here: https://www.annietheangelreader.com/about-----------------------------------------
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