A Strange Combination: Anthroposophy and The Pandemic!
Join Dr. Ana Lups and Susun Weed for this live teleseminar.
Thursday January 14, 2021 @ 9:00 PM EASTERN
Event is 90 minutes in duration; a 60 minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of Q & A.
If you can't join us live, you can still register as this event will be available for replay afterwards. Listen at any time!
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Strange Combination: Anthroposophy & The Pandemic! Teleseminar with Dr. Ana Lups
Join Dr. Ana Lups and Susun Weed for this live event.
January 14, 2021 @ 9:00 PM EASTERN**********************************After purchasing, please download the PDF with details for connecting at your bookshop account or your order confirmation. Thank you!
Anthroposophy represents a Greek combination of two words, wisdom(sophy) and human (anthropos). The accent falls on the 'pos' segment. In truth the concept of creation of all life on earth deriving out of an evolutionary process is one sided (a horizontal explanation providing natural science with a comfortable niche)
The wisdom of the human does include the gift of LIFE which is not a spontaneous occurrence. When this very complicated and yet elusive concept is introduced in human reasoning, forces from our own solar system as well as higher or wider cosmic regions must be explored and become part of our science. We name this knowledge Spiritual Science.
Anthro-POS-sophy was introduced as a philosophic thought by a German philosopher in the eighteen century and adopted by Rudolf Steiner in the early twentieth century. Assigned as the president of the German Theosophical Society (Theos =god and sophy = wisdom) he changed the name to incorporate the idea of the Human becoming a God.
---------------Dr Ana Lups has been a physician in Hudson NY since 1967. Born a few years before WWII in the Netherlands, her family immigrated to South-Africa in 1948. She received her High School diploma and medical degree in Pretoria SA. Dr. Lups started specialization in Internal Medicine as an immigrant to USA in 1963. She moved to rural NY State (Hillsdale, Columbia County) in 1967 to open a family practice as a single mother.
In 1978, at the age of 42, a lack of wholistic viewpoints regarding healing made her choose an alternative branch in her practice. Dr. Lups believes our aim towards healing must incorporate the earth, the plant, and the human being. Restoring the balance when exposed to illness must incorporate the vitality that nature can still provide.
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